
Interview: New England Pride TV

September 10, 2019 - 11:00am -- aj

Worcester, MA is home to many talented individuals! One, in particular, is Dale Lepage. He's the founder and host of New England Pride TV

Check out our interview about the No Evil Project. If you haven't joined, yet, see us at our next event or do-it-yourself by following the instructions on our site. 

The Sisters are IN

August 30, 2019 - 10:39am -- aj
The Sisters are IN

@The Sisters are IN

Listen to this podcast! I met Donna at a Comic Book show and her authenticity and open conversation was amazing. We were "those two" blocking the aisle (a little bit). But it didn't matter. I made a friend that day and I love hearing Donna and Cathy on their Podcast. 

Use Podcast Addict on your Android Phone, if you ant a quick easy app. 

Love you all! 


Sharing Personal Information at Work

August 8, 2019 - 10:27am -- aj

Yesterday, I had the honor to join Let's Go There w/ Shira & Ryan on Channel Q to talk about an incredibly important topic to all employees everywhere. The idea of coming out wiggles itself in and around many categories of life and ways of living for all individuals. We focussed primarily on sexual orientation/partner choice and I want to open the conversation up wider here to gather your thoughts and stories. 

It is my experience that we get to come out in one of these ways, every day: 

Poetry: The Quest from Stress

September 1, 2015 - 9:13pm -- aj

I opened a notebook this morning, in preparing for a workshop and found this poem. I thought I’d share it before I take a few more steps west in my new journey.

A mess on a quest
in half a black dress.

“A mess? I’m at my BEST!”
You jest; come on my quest.

I’m headed west. Don’t rest,
journey on my chest.

Don’t stress, we’re headed west.
Put on your skinny black dress.

Sex, chess – skip this hex.
Do you see more mess?

Trudge with eyes focused west.

© 2015 AJ Leto